Wednesday, November 24, 2010

My experience learning English

Well for this post I will talk you about my experience learning English in this course.

Casually when I was reaching this class (of course I was late) I was thinking about the same topic.
In all this process I think that I had learned very little things, mainly vocabulary. But this is not because the teacher or something like this. I think that the problem is about the structure of the course because when we had the pre-intermediate course the topics were completely useless because they haven’t anything related to our careers and the course was not appropriate to the difficulty.
Another thing that I really dislike and think that is a problem to make this a better course is the compulsory of the course, because we have to come here forced by the university and whit no intention to learn so it’s a problem to the assistance and the attention in the classroom.
And this course didn’t help us in learning English that we can use in class by example, we normally have to read a lot of paper in English but with what we learn in class is not enough, they are people in the intermediate course that cant read this kind of paper so what we really learn in English? Is really necessary a class that didn’t work for us?
Well really I didn’t care a lot, because personally I try to make changes and commentary but the coordination its too arbitrary and I have only one test to end this course
But not everything is bad, I can see that the different teachers have a very good command in the language and have the motivation to make this a better class, and with the last answers that we gave in the last poll the course had some changes like some changes in the topics to some topics more related with ours careers

Well FINALLY this is my last post so don’t wait for anything more

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Something about movies

Well hi everyone this is my new post, today I'm going to talk you about movies
The movies has always been a god excuse to see friend or a common place for dates so almost everyone has gone to a cinema at least once.
In my case i don't go too often to see movies i prefer to see it in my house with friends or something like that because i can stop it when i want or see it anytime.
I like mostly any kind of movie but if i go to the cinema is manly for action movies because of the specials effects
The Chilean films in the last time had been very goods because they can show the idiosyncrasy of the Chilean people. In the last time the Chilean films have grown and had been exported to other countries and they had won a lot of trophies and mentions.
In this moment i cant think in a special movie that had left a trace on me (well i cant think in almost anything in this moment but whatever) but i just remember a documentary, zeitgeist, that i find specially god
Well i think that this is almost everything that i can write in this moment so wait for my new post


Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Some myths

Well hi everyone this post will be about a summarise of a chapter that we had to read
This book is about the myths in neuroscience, a look of the facts that based the myths and the studies that test them
For this summarise I will write about the myth that talks about the supposed that we only use the 10% of our brain.
Some say that this myth comes from Einstein, who responded once during an interview that he only used 10% of his brain .Early research on the brain may have supported this myth. In the 1930s, Karl Lashley explored the brain using electric shocks. As many areas of the brain did not react to these shocks, Lashley concluded that these areas had no function. This is how the term “silent cortex” came into circulation. This term refers to the zones of the brain that don't have a direct relation between stimulation and action, this parts works related with superior cognitive process linking different parts of the cortex like the primary visual cortex with the secondary one and the superior visual cortex making the process of the stimuli and the information more elaborated and complex. One of the reasson that refute this myth is that evolution does not allow waste
, and the brain, like the other organs but probably more than any other, is moulded by
natural selection. It represents only 2% of the total weight of the human body but
consumes 20% of available energy. With such high energy cost, evolution would not have
allowed the development of an organ of which 90% is useless.
well this is an interesting myth because I personally believe it a few time ago before I study this in neuroscience and neuroanatomy, for the same reason I agree with the author
This was a very resume work because of the restriction of the word but its all that I cand do for this time.
So wait for my new post


Tuesday, October 26, 2010

work stress

Well Hi everyone, this is my new post

in this one I will talk you about work stress, but I’m going to do it quickly because I have to train whit my team and then read something for this class after end a few things for other class ¬¬

Well for work stress I understand a state where you are suffocated with your work and don’t have time to relax, or distract.

Distraction and relax are fundamental in a healthy place to work, because they increase the productivity and make a better image for the company, also and more important, this relax and distraction help with the happiness of the employees. This last point should bee the most important for any business but sadly this inst.

A consequence of a extreme work stress is in some case an increase in the suicide rate, this is the case of the Foxcon company (the company who makes the most par of the hardware for apple). This company don’t know how decrease this rate they even put meshes in the first floor to avoid people who jump of the building

For this and many other little thins is essential to any company or place who have employees or any people confined for too much time, have a especial consideration with the level of stress and hapinness of their people.

Well this is all for now I have to go to study a lot of other things ¬¬

Wait for my new post


Friday, October 15, 2010

A healthy lifstyle

Hi everyone this is my new post, it has been a long time since my last post
In this one I will talk you about a healthy lifestyle
I think that is not very hard to follow a healthy lifestyle in this time, you can eat healthy if you buy at a greengrocery making it a lot easier and cheaper, or cultivate some part of your food in the garden that is even more cheap.
Also for the body you can follow a sport or make exercises in the week, this isn’t so hard if you get used to it, and you will be more active and attentive in the week
A healthy lifestyle also include a more active life, like going to places where you can go to different sides and walk, or do things not in a car when you go in holidays.
This kind of things also will make you conscious about the environment and the global warming, and will motivate you to change the way that you do things, like ride a bicycle in spite of a car, recycle, or decreasing the carbon footprint (changing the materials that you use in the common life for other that are eco-friendly), etc
In the end you will notice that is not so hard and is cheaper too (if you know where buy), and will help to the environment. More important is that it will help you with your health making you happier and healthier
Well this is all for now wait for my new post

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

That place...

Hi everyone this is my new post

In this one I will talk you about my favourite get-away, this is the place where I go everytime that I can

For me this place is Buchupureo a little town near chillan, this is a place that is not very known because is between mountains and haven't too many people, only the past year they paved the road because the highway, so is attracting new people

This place is beautiful, really gorgeous because you have the beach in five min, you have forest and common field, and there isn't too many people who can bother you. The landscape are specially beautiful because look at the sunset between the rocks near the beach and the sunrise in the mountains are amassing experiences, and go to the prairie with no trees only flowers are the perfect place to go and walk, or get lose in the autochthonus forest are amassing experiences.

My family almost founded this town so they go to there since that time, in February is almost the only time that the biggest part of the family meet, so is the perfect time to hang out whit cousins, grandfathers, uncles etc. This is mainly because we have a very extensive part of ground so all the houses are together, and have the same yard and all is a common area

Well I would like to tell you more about this place but I have to go to see my grandmother to the hospital.

Wait for my new post


Thursday, August 26, 2010

Also sprach Zarathustra: Ein Buch für Alle und Keinen

Well, hi everyone this will be my first post of this semester.

This post its about a book that I really like, this was the first book that I read about philosophy it calls “Thus Spoke Zarathustra: A Book for All and None” it was written by Friedrich Nietzsche. This book is about a wise old man that come from the mountain and start to talk with the people, about different topics trying to help them to reach the superman, he talks about some of the steps or transformations that all mankind have to go trough to reach this superman, well this is a very simplified abstract of the book, because the objective of reading this kind of books is not to learn what the author say, but about thinking about the same things and compare about what the author says.

I read this book like two years ago when I end the school mostly because of the class of philosophy, that I really love, so in that summer I start to read some books of this topic like the one that I already talk you, after these I read an Arabic author but I cant remember the name of the book. In this moment I'm trying to read “Crime and Punishment” by Dostoyevsky but whit my schedule its a little complicate.

Well its late and I'm tired so this is all, I have to train tomorrow so I need to sleep

This is all for now, wait for my new post
