Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Hmmmmmm fooooood...

Hi everyone this is my new post
And now I will talk you about the food

In my case I don’t have a favorite food, but I really like a lot of things, like the junk food, but also I like a big other variety of things. I think that any type of food can be good if cooked well, so I really eat almost everything. Because of that I can go to any type of restaurant and finds food that I like (so I'm not a problem if you want to invite me to dinner)

I never feel guilty for eat something, because I make a lot of sport in the week so the type of food or the weight are no problem in my case, other reason to eat anything I want is that in my house are always healthy food, by example I never eat fried things in my house so anytime that I want to eat a McDonalds I don’t have a problem.

I don’t recommend a diet, I only say to people that have to make sports because with that they can eat everything that they want and also have a good health
Well that is all for today
Wait for my next post


Something about my carreer

Hi everyone
it's time for a new post, in this one I will talk you about some things about my career mainly about what I expect of it and things like that
First of all I expect to be a good professional, making the best treatment that I can give for people, not patient, also making projects for the community that can make a better quality of life to people. In the present I'm doing three project for this so I expect to continue doing others
In my opinion the most important thing of being a physical therapy is take care of the patient, to real concern about how he feel, if he is in pain etc
If I really want to show what I like of physical therapy or why I decide to study this I need more of one post, because there a thousands of reasons that I have to tell
So this is all by now
Wait for my new post

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

A person that I admire

Hi everyone
This is my new post, in this one I will talk you about something of my career (physical therapy) specifically about a very important girl, that I personally admire Carolina, she is physical therapist in the indisa clinic and works in the traumatology area.
She treated me after my surgery in the hips and make an excellent work using a big variety of treatments, not only the typical but many others that other physical therapist don’t usually use, that because she had just graduated from the university a few month ago and want to try a lot of things.
While she treats me, I could know her better and make a relationship. We see each other out of the clinic and go around sometimes, even now a call her sometimes to go to drink something or just to talk.
In fact now, after end this blog I will go to the clinic to see her because of my ankle. I had a sprain and I need to start the treatment, so I call her and she said me that there is no problem and I should go
So because of this I admire she and because of all of her work
So this is almost all
See you in the next post