Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Final post! finally!

Hi everyone
Finally this is my last post
I feel very sick now, so this post will not be so elaborate like the others
In this one I’m going to talk about my experiences as a blogger. This wasn’t my first blog, I already wrote a few posts in other blogs in the past mainly related with technology, but in this case I didn’t enjoy it because I was forced to do it, and I didn’t like a lot of the themes.
But not all is so bad, because it is a different way to learn English, a more near to the students technique, not only text in a classroom. The presentations were also a very good way to learn about ours careers and practice our pronunciation.
After this blog I don’t think that I had improved mi writing in English in a significant way, but I really think that this is a good way to learn and practice our English writing, but it has to got improved, by example, I never had a correction in this year (only a few in the class but never a comment of a full post)
In conclusion I think that make a blog is a very good way to learn English, a new way to see the English in a practical way in a new area like internet, but also have a lot to improve. So I encourage the teachers to continue with this, but also that make a few changes but the idea is good.
Well this will my final post here (I don’t know if the next semester I will make a new one)
Bye everyone finally! XD

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

what area?...

Hi everyone this is my new post
Today I’m going to talk about what I hope to do in a few years, this post is orientated to show what area of physical therapy I like most.
I’m not very sure about all the areas of my career because have a lot of different sides that haven’t been exploited. But I think that I will work in the beginning in my personal projects (I had described one of them in the last pos), they are manly for the community, so I plan to start them the next year and empower them when I graduate. This will give me experience in the area and as a professional, so that is one of the first thing that I want to do.
After work in those projects I hope to start working in some place to make money for improvement, or if I have it, I will make courses about manual therapy principally because is an area that I already now, or an area that I like in the moment, the problem now to do this is that in the present I didn’t now about how the physical therapist works in every field.
What I really know is that I will not work in investigation, this is an area that didn’t like me, I already have a few approaches to the investigation, because of this prokects that I already told you.
Well this is all for now, because I don’t now what I ´m going to do, but I really know that physical is the career that I really want
This is all for now wait for my new post

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

About health

Hi everyone, this is my new post
Today I’m going to tell you about a project that I’m working on
It’s about helping people in their common life, by creating a group of physical therapist who can correct and help to do all the movements in the right way. An example for this are the old people, this group can go to the municipality and work with the join mobility, or the people who works in a supermarket etc
I’m working on this because the common people doesn’t care about their health and the most typical problems in the back and a lot other kinds of pain are because of the posture, a bad movement, or a mismatch strength. The people doesn’t have a realy idea about how the common life and their typical movements can affect their health, but when someone shows them about it they become aware of this and start to change their routine
Well this is a project that I’m currently working with a few professors in the university, they are helping me to make it serious. The next year I’m going to present this in the traditional ways
Well in any case the presentation here was very hurry, and not so specific so doesn’t represent very well the purpose of the project
This is all for now
Wait for my new post

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Hi everyone this is my new post
In this one i´m going to talk you about the supposed man world
This is a really men world, where the men get better jobs and best salary for them, but this is changing because of the new power of the new generations of women who are showing disagree whit this man tendency.
But all starts in the base of these stupid society where the women is shown as one object more. And with the attitude of some girls that the only thing that they want is to be one object more.
All these things had they root in the inability of the people to think, think about they want, about his life, and about what is happening to them, so to solve this problem we need to create a bigger change in society, a change of thinking, to reinsert it, to make people communicate with other and see other like equals in thinking and capabilities
i´m sure that if we start to think, and see other peoples in the same way we can make a new society in equal thought and skills, but this depends only on us
This is all for now
Wait for my new post